BEWARE: There is only #ONE @ELyssaD™ and the rumors of my death were greatly exagerated

“SCRAPE” ElyssaD to your site” #jaded #EXPOSED

That’s what @cliffsull meant he said, “scraping” they are editing the images to suit their purposes. Very classy. Way to go!


Elyssa Durant, Ed.M. United States of America Forgive typos! iBLAME iPhone


LulzSec, FBI, CIA, AntiSec, Sabu, AnonOps… Government Social Media Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong

Joseph K. Black

Social Media Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong

Mon Feb 28 04:46:25 CST 2011

Update: On October 31, 2011, Joseph K. Black was arrested by Nebraska police officers after a 35 minute car chase spanning four counties, during what was described as one of his psychotic episodes. For more details and the police reports, read all about it. In addition, a full criminal history on Black is available.

Given the inane amount of joseph black babble to come from Joseph K. Black via Facebook and Twitter in late January of 2011, we’ll spare everyone a lot of the gory details and just post a few short examples of why Black will not only never obtain his dream job of National Cybersecurity Advisor, but will likely end up working the counter at a Runza near you some time in the near future, provided he doesn’t end up in prison.

Simply put, Black has designs on being appointed “National Cybersecurity Advisor” by the Obama administration. While that in itself may be an admirable goal, Black seems to think that self-promotion, being top 10 on search results and outlandish claims through social media outlets will help his cause more than, say, actual experience and contributions to the security industry (“cyber” or otherwise). Moving into February, his big thing became some fictional “megacommunity” (“Google it!” he says) with imaginary ties to every government agency, big service provider and anything else that he fancies.

With his inability to use Twitter and Facebook correctly, posting everything three or four times, he betrays the notion that he is an expert at anything. Because really, Twitter is hard to figure out. According to Black, he is the Ben Roethlisberger of Cybersecurity, the Governor of Cyberspace, the King of Cyberspace, the John Wayne of Cyberspace, the Michael Jordan of Cybersecurity, the Smokey the Bear of Cybersecurity, the Captain of the Cool Kids and a Cybersecurity ROCKSTAR! We could cite dozens of examples of his general idiocy here, but a short few should paint a clear picture of the level of e-tard we’re dealing with:


The @Gregory_D_Evans Twitter account summed it all up very nicely in one tweet:

It should be noted that before Black “went full retard” as mentioned above, Lyger did try to personally and privately contact Black twice via email to open a dialogue. Neither email was answered:

Whether he’s just overzealous, delusional, a net-kook, or a simple troll, we’re done with him. Desperate and irrelevant, Black has had his 15 minutes of notoriety (not “fame”, as he probably thinks) and like all good trolls, his time too has passed. He isn’t relevant enough to include on Errata: Charlatan, so he ended up here, on Postal: Asshats.

*PLONK* .. we’ll leave you with this mess:



main page ATTRITIONfeedback

Faux Security: @JosephKBlack, @ElyssaD, BlackBerg Security, and Shades of Project Viglio | @Krypt3ia

Faux Security: @JosephKBlack, @ElyssaD, BlackBerg Security, and Shades of Project Viglio

Blackberg & ElyssaD:

A while back, I ran across ElyssaD and her whack ass site which was scraping my content from Infosecisland. I later read  Jaded Security’s post filling in the gaps that I had given up on in my searches on her digital rats warren of sites and chalked it up to fucktards at play. However, since then, she has failed to remove my content from her sites, her ersatz ‘employer’ Joe Black, has called me out as a supporter of Anonymous and LulzSec, and still, my content is on her frantically moronic sites.

Faux Security: BlackBerg Security and Shades of Project Viglio by @Krypti3ia @infosecisland

Faux Security: @JosephKBlack, @ElyssaD, BlackBerg Security, and Shades of Project Viglio

BlackBerg & ElyssaD:

A while back, I ran across ElyssaD and her whacky site which was scraping my content from Infosec Island. I later read Jaded Security’s post filling in the gaps that I had given up on in my searches on her digital rats warren of sites and chalked it up to idiots at play.

However, since then, she has failed to remove my content from her sites, her ersatz ‘employer’ Joe Black, has called me out as a supporter of Anonymous and LulzSec, and still, my content is on her frantically moronic sites.

Softly Softly Catch a Monkey « by @th3j35t3r on SABU || WTG JESTER!

Faux Security: BlackBerg Security and Shades of Project Viglio

Contributed By:
Scot Terban


Faux Security: @JosephKBlack, @ElyssaD, BlackBerg Security, and Shades of Project Viglio

BlackBerg & ElyssaD:

A while back, I ran across ElyssaD and her whacky site which was scraping my content from Infosec Island. I later read Jaded Security’s post filling in the gaps that I had given up on in my searches on her digital rats warren of sites and chalked it up to idiots at play.

However, since then, she has failed to remove my content from her sites, her ersatz ‘employer’ Joe Black, has called me out as a supporter of Anonymous and LulzSec, and still, my content is on her frantically moronic sites.

BART mobile shutdown provokes Anonymous hackers

Hackers have targeted the website of a San Francisco transport company that turned off mobile masts to prevent protests outside its stations.

Public anger towards the Bay Area Rapid Transport (BART) had been fermenting since July when transit police shot dead a man who was carrying a knife.

BART disconnected its transmitters in a bid to quell planned demonstrations.

Hacker group Anonymous retaliated by attacking, and releasing users’ personal information.

The hackers posted details of over 2,000 myBART users online.

A man uses his iPhone at Civic Centre Station, San FranciscoMobile users on the BART network were completely cut off while protests were allegedly being organised

In a typically-worded statement, the hacking group said: “We are Anonymous, we are your citizens, we are the people, we do not tolerate oppression from any government agency.

“BART has proved multiple times that they have no problem exploiting and abusing the people.”

BART’s main website,, was left unaffected.

However, – which carries offers and extra services for passengers – was defaced and, as of Monday, remained offline.

‘Disruptive activities’

An action group has called for the disbanding of the BART police force following the July 3 shooting of a homeless man Charles Hill and also the 2009 killing of another man, Oscar Grant.

Johannes MehserleJohannes Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter over the death of Oscar Grant

Protesters have already been successful in rendering some stations on the network unusable by staging mass sit-ins.

BART took the decision, on 11 August, to shut off mobile phone reception at some of its sites.

In a statement, the transport company said: “BART temporarily interrupted service at select BART stations as one of many tactics to ensure the safety of everyone on the platform.”

It said protesters had stated that they: “would use mobile devices to coordinate their disruptive activities and communicate about the location and number of BART Police”.

BART added: “Disturbance during commute times at busy downtown San Francisco stations could lead to platform overcrowding and unsafe conditions for BART customers, employees and demonstrators.”

UK troubles

The move was widely criticised as being heavy-handed, with some San Francisco residents suggesting that blocking phone use was a violation of free speech.

BART’s decision has parallels with recent troubles in England where days of riots were sparked when 29-year-old Mark Duggan was shot dead by police in Tottenham, north London.

Prime Minister David Cameron suggested in Parliament that access to social networks could be blocked in times of civil unrest.

David Cameron outlines ideas for social media measures during rioting

His comments came after it emerged some of the looting and violence was co-ordinated by people using services such as Blackberry messenger.

His statement was widely condemned by rights campaigners who said that such measures could be an attack on civil liberties.

On Monday, BART warned of further disruption to the service, and did not rule out that similar blocking-measures could be used.

‘Completely unjustified’

However, reaction to Anonymous’ intrusions has been less than supportive.

Laura Eichman, whose phone number was published along with the stolen personal data, said: “I think what they [the hackers] did was illegal and wrong.

“I work in IT myself, and I think that this was not ethical hacking. I think this was completely unjustified.”

Anonymous has argued that anger should be directed at BART’s “unsecure” data protection methods, rather than the group.


BREAKING UPDATE: Suspicious Behavior in Tennessee

BREAKING UPDATE: Suspicious Behavior in Tennessee

Uploaded by elyssadurant on Feb 20, 2012

Most have no tags or temporary tags… But the latest weapon of mass deception are vehicles that have TWO tags from different states!

Specifically Tennessee and Kentucky.

Black Army? Heroes? Hell NO!

Only cowards have to hide behind bullet proof glass and opaque black tinted windows.

Go USA! God bless America!

This is some of the creepiest shit I have ever seen but was unable to upload live footage since my internet suddenly got disconnected.

Garbage Trucks with liquid tanks using hoses and flashlights in back alleys; hiding behind dumpsters; turning off headlights to avoid detection?


School busses and taxis parked for hours with strobe lights using GPS 4D technology for surveillance — that is fed to four separate locations and stored on USB!

All utility companies now have sub-contractors rewiring shit without any ID, temporary tags and plates from multiple states… No way to verify identity workers caught on film jumping out of running vehicles and cutting wires at utility poles?

News & Politics
Military USA TN Black


ELyssa Durant (me?) on “THE” watch List???

Protests in Egypt: A Sign of the Times

Why does Egypt matter?


Watch closely and reflect on what is happening in Egypt.
I use the internet as my primary source of communications. I have 13 gigs of spyware, malware and other junk that somehow found it’s why onto my hard drive in less than 63 days!


I didn’t have broadband until last month! I have no cable television and I can barely get a signal on my TV— not that there is much worth watching— but I would like to see the news and see WTH is going on in the world.
But you grow used to the silence— I did not even own a television until a few months ago.


I have had more than a dozen cell phones in less than one year because the damn things keep freezing on me. App Error 200. I shit you not— coincidence? Maybe. But anyone who purchases more than 3 cell phones in one year is automatically placed on the terrorist watch list. Then again, I live in a state where the ACLU is on the watch list!
Sound bizarre? I hope so, cause it certainly does sound “normal” to me!


Welcome to my life.
The United States has long had the capability to monitor, jam, and cut communications at will. Without cause or justification.


I live in the United States of America. I care what is happening in Egypt because I know it could happen here.

Am I a whistleblower? Yes, I am.
Am I anonymous? Not so much.
Am I a terrorist? Hell, no.

Am I on the watch list? You bet your sweet ass I am!


“First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller
(14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984)

“Somewhere to run, Nowhere to hide?”
~Cathy O’Brien, The Trance-formation of America

ACCESS DENIED: For Reason of National Security


you bet your sweet ass I am!


ELyssa Durant © 2012 || The Powers That Beat
All Rights Reserved || DailyDDoSe™ registered @ELyssaD™


~this is your hometown